Fav Frequently Asked Questions

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A. The typical property owner may request a land survey for a variety of reasons: establish the property lines before building a fence; locate the corners of their property prior to a sale or refinance; check or create an easement across the property; or before they build or remodel their home. They may want to divide the property and sell off a portion; move the property line between two parcels, or check the set-back of a neighbor’s garden shed. Cities and counties are now requiring a land survey to locate or verify corner markers prior to issuing building permits.

A. The a survey monument may be any of these, depending on the age of the survey that “set” it: a brass or aluminum disk, a 30″ piece of steel rebar with a plastic cap, an iron pipe, a wagon axle, a gun barrel, a whisky bottle filled with charcoal, rake harrow teeth, or even a rock marked with an “X”).

Some of these survey monuments may be missing or buried as they could have been set over a century ago.

A. Our survey crew uses the latest computer, laser and sattelite techonology to acurately take measurements of your property. They take notes, often do field calculations and will set some stakes as random access points for future reference. The crew may later return to the site to verify final monument location, set (put in) the property corners or put in wooden stakes to mark the property boundaries for fencing or construction.

A. After taking the field measurements, our survey crew brings the data back to the office and loads that information into our computers. The field data is analyzed, legal descriptions are compared, calculations are made and, if a map is requested or required for your type of survey, a map is drafted.

If permanent survey monuments or corners were set in the course of the survey on your property, we are required by law to file a map with the County Surveyor’s office. The County Surveyor will review the map and then have it recorded with the County. They charge a separate fee for this, so you need to check with your land surveyor about the costs involved. You will receive a copy of this final map, as well.

A. It all depends on the type of survey and the amount of time it takes our crew to complete the task. Marking a property line with some wooden stakes for a fence usually costs much less than a full Boundary Survey with a filed and recorded map. The size of the property, difficult terrain, underbrush, lack of existing monuments, and deed complications can add to the cost of a survey.

More Questions?

Please contact us for a FREE ESTIMATE and Township Surveys LLC can discuss your survey requirements with you. Tell us what kind of survey you need or schedule a free consultation with us about types of surveying applicable to your situation. Reach us today at 503-656-4915.